Production management software for Industry 4.0
We have created a custom solution for the management of the company’s production that interfaces with an Industry 4.0 machine specialized in grinding where we have created the 4.0 interconnection between the machine and the company’s MES.
The custom 4.0 software interfaces with the Aletti grinder via the Siemens PLC with which it exchanges information, monitors and manages the activities of the machinery including orders.
The software allows to verify the status of the machinery, visualize and start the orders to be executed and estimate in a predictive way the time remaining at the end of the working in execution and the production time of the finished products.
4.0 integration between PLC and MES
The machine we integrated with was a Aletti machine just purchased with a Siemens PLC and on-board computer ready for Industry 4.0 but not yet compliant for incentives.
The PLC communicated with the computer on board the machine with which it shares information in real time but without any type of 4.0 software that would allow remote access or interconnection with the internal management system.
We have operated by interfacing with standard web-based communication protocols such as TCP/IP already available.
We have interconnected machinery and MES through the development of software 4.0 that connects to the API of the company management already present. We have thus created the 4.0 interconnection necessary for the qualification of the machinery as 4.0 through expertise.
Production control
Realization of software for production control related to a grinder machine of Aletti 4.0 ready. The software communicating with the Siemens PLC allows to manage all the production processes of the machine remotely as the operator was in front of the machine. From the execution of machining to the monitoring of the condition of the machinery and the work.
The software collects the data of the state of the machinery, stores them in historical tabular and graphic form. It allows to visualize the state of the workings in progress and communicates the status to the internal MES for the management of the warehouse.
The software has been made with a responsive web interface and allows remote access. Both from the local network and from the outside via access credentials encrypted by any type of device.
It is now possible to monitor the status of the machinery, manage the orders in execution and/or to be executed, estimate the processing time from any device, including off-site via tablet and smartphone.
Interconnection 4.0 made the machinery compliant for Industry 4.0 and thus allowed the company to access tax incentives.

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