Innovation to support your agricultural machinery and systems.
We bring the evolution of Industry 4.0 into Agriculture.
We reduce waste and management costs with innovative tools.
We develop fully customized software adapted to the individual infrastructure cases and for this we develop high performance scalable software.
Custom software development – Web application development – Mobile app development – MVP development – CMS, MRP, ERP development
Human-Machine Interface
We define the user interfaces and the type of experience that the operator will have. We optimize work by reducing operations and create intuitive, organic dashboards that improve decision making.
HMI Web Development – User Interface Development – UX Development – Data Visualization – Responsive Web Design
System Integration
We interconnect machines and software and redefine architectural aspects. We define how M2M and M2H communications should occur and normalize the flow of data from different sources in a single stream.
API Development – Machine-to-Machine Integration – Integration with third-party software – Data normalization – Integration with Raspberry Pi and Arduino
Interconnection 4.0
We help companies innovate by developing solutions that interconnect machinery, people and products within the Industrial iot, through activities of upgrade, revamping and/or prototyping of new products.
IIoT Application Development – Cyber-Physical Systems Emulation Environment Development – Machinery Interconnection – Device and Plant Revamping – Interconnection 4.0
Revamping machinery and boards
PLC and MES integration
Interconnection 4.0 between machinery
Custom dashboard deveolpment
Emulated environment
Data normalization
Remote monitoring of machinery
Monitoring of land and crops
Remote monitoring of animals
Animal geolocation
Agricultural Water Management
Monitoring machines in the field
Machine sensor integration
Remote monitoring of greenhouses
Water management
Precision treatments
Remote control of machinery
Connected machinery 4.0
Systems of decision support
Control of the climate
Remote monitoring of tanks
Remote control of the feeding
Remote control of the marine environment
Tracking with geolocation
In vivo transport monitoring
Alarm and criticality management
Our approach
to develop a smart 4.0 system
We always keep customers updated on every stage of the software development process.
From the business analysis phase through UX / UI, to application development to release and ongoing support.
Analizziamo i requisiti dell'impianto e macchinari con cui doverci interfacciare per sviluppare la soluzione di Agricoltura 4.0 più adatta e funzionale.
Diamo accesso ad internet ai macchinari, consentendo loro di trasmettere dati in tempo reale tramite un gateway Internet. A tal fine, utilizziamo interfacce di comunicazione e protocolli di rete (NFC, Wi-Fi, BLE, ecc.), Tag RFID, beacon e sensori.
Progettiamo sistemi integrati e distribuiti per acquisire i dati dei sensori e prevenirne la perdita, inserirli in soluzioni di archiviazione e conservarli per un ulteriore utilizzo o fornire le informazioni in tempo reale ai dispositivi endpoint.
Trasformiamo i dati acquisiti dai diversi macchinari dell'impianto in dati fruibili. Creando layout appositi per utilizzare, classificare e filtrare i dati in modo intuitivo.
Automatizziamo l'interscambio di dati tra i macchinari. Per trasmettere dati in tempo reale tra di loro e il sistema informativo aziendale.
Post-development manteinance
Continuous assistance to not leave you alone and keep
updated and performing plants and machinery
Our assistance is to help you timely and deliver results that evolve over time.
We listen actively to every request. We intervene promptly via help desk helping customers in their problems in remote assistance
Help desk – Incident management – User provisioning
We carry out system and software updates remotely and for iot devices we carry out OTA (over the air) updates so that each plant, server or device remains up to date.
OTA (over-the-air) updates – remote updates
We perform routine maintenance such as bugfix of the software we develop and evolutionary maintenance aimed at improving the custom software we have developed and supplied.
Routine maintenance – Evolutionary maintenance – Re-engineering
We help companies keep a backup of their software and system infrastructure. And in case of accidents we restore the system status to the last available backup.
Backup – System Restore
Help desk
Incident management
User Provisioning
Ordinary maintenance
Evolutionary maintenance
OTA updates (over-the-air)
Remote update
System restore
Last Insights about Agritech
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